Friday, June 27, 2008


For some of you getting a passport is not new. For Skip and I however it is. Today I picked up the applications. Tomorrow we are going to AAA to get free passport pictures. Then of course we have to fill out the applications and make an appointment. One more step in the process of our trip to Moldova.
Speaking of filling out applications. We still have to fill out mountains worth of paperwork to apply for the two contractor's licenses that Skip tested for recently. We have many things to do, sometimes it is hard to keep up. By God's grace it will get done. I am so thankful we belong to Him, and that He has everything in control.


Anonymous said...

You are not the only one clueless when it comes to passports. (I think I am more so than you!) When we were going to go away for our honeymoon, we thought it would be "fun" to get passports. (Not necessary at the time.) We had AAA and they said they did passports. So, we went down there expecting to do the whole thing then and there. They took our pictures and then told us we had only taken the pictures. Now we had to go do the paperwork, which we found out cost an arm and a leg. All that to say, we ended up NOT getting them. :)

I think Carl is going to need one for a Mexico trip later this year, which I am not looking forward to doing. I'll have to ask you for the exact details as I tend to need everything spelled out. LOL.

Love you, Sheryl!

God's Girl said...

Oh... I know.... don't you just love trying to get through all the processes of everything.

For some reason, it is never as easy as it sounds.

At least you're doing things in advance. That's great!

Love to you!