Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Blog

I haven't blogged lately because I have been busy with my new job, and I have had the stomach flu for the past three days. I missed Mon-Wed of work this week. I had to see the dr. for a note to return to work. She said I cannot return until Thursday. It is frustrating to start a new job and then get sick twice in a couple of weeks. I ran a fever again with this one. I will omit the details of the stomach flu. I think it is self explanatory. Not too much going on here. Skip has been working off and on. Jenn has been busy. Joy is exhausted. Tony has had bronchitis and is taking breathing treatments every 4-6 hours. Joy says he wakes up coughing then gets mad and screams. She is not sleeping much. As a mom I am concerned about her for sure. She still manages to work full time and commute 45 minutes each way. That is a tough job. I am proud of her and concerned both. Not too much to say this time. Just updating. Thank you Lord for loving me even when I feel yukky.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Romans 12:1&2

I was working on my Bible Study tonight. Alright, yes I am behind, but I am catching up. I was reading Romans 12: 1 & 2 in the NIV. I am very familiar with the verses in the King James but obviously had not read it in the NIV. I know that we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice but I loved how the NIV stated it. Instead of "this is your reasonable service." It states, "this is your spiritual act of worship." I love that, our spiritual act of worship. That really spoke to me. I think of worship as singing, praising. But I didn't think of presenting my body as a living sacrifice as a spiritual act of worship. Beautiful!

Then verse two says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (ok, I know that) "Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will." We as humans are always asking what God's will is for us. If we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, we should be able to discern God's will. Right? When we are very familiar with one version of the Bible and we read a different version it can give us a fresh perspective. Sometimes being so familiar leads one to not think as deeply about the meaning of those very familiar verses. At least, that is how it is to me. After all, I have only been saved "about 100 years." And, no I never exaggerate either. :-) Now if I get any comments on this blog then I will know that people read it, besides Julie K. Thanks for reading it Julie. I love you friend. :-)

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Ok, so I started a new job and worked three days. On the third day I was feeling awful in the afternoon and knew I was getting sick. I thought I might have a fever. At the end of the day I drug myself home and took my temp. It was 101. I crawled right into bed. I missed Thurs at work and my temp was down in the morning but went to 101 again Thurs night. I missed Friday at work. Went to the dr. for note to return on Monday. The dr. said, virus, but gave me a prescription for antibiotics in case I develop bronchitis. She kept saying "are you sure you want to go back Monday?" I said yes, I need to go back Monday. Today I did paperwork and two errands. By 1:30 I was pooped. So I read and rested and have done little else today. Tomorrow I plan to do the same and then arrive at work at 8am on Monday. Jennifer was sick all week too. Tis the season for flu's and cold's.

Skip leaves tomorrow for LA to do a bathroom remodel for family friends of ours. He will be gone a week or longer. We are not looking forward to being apart, but it needs to be done. God will take care of us as we are separated this week. We thank Him for His provision for work for both of us. He has not failed to take care of our needs and we are very thankful for His provision. I complained to Skip today that I lost a couple of hundred dollars by being sick and having to see the dr. for a note to return to work. His response was, "you earned wages for three days of work, you need to think of it that way." Thank you Lord for three days of wages. :-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

My First Day of Work

My sweet niece Annie told me to post about my first day at work, so here goes. I got there quicker than I thought so I sat in the car and sent Joy a text message. Besides being my first day at a new job it was Joy's first day back to work after maternity leave and Tony's first day in daycare. They were on my mind and heart a lot. At work I found there is no where to put your belongings except in the classroom you work in. Since I am a floater I had to carry my stuff from one place to another. I will take less tomorrow. I started out with a tour and met everyone. I can only remember 2 or 3 names tonight. Then I was placed in a classroom to observe and interact. I held back quite a bit. After a couple of hours I was moved and so the day went. I got more comfortable with each classroom and interacted with the kids more and more. I enjoyed interacting with the kids. Of course with this being winter I was surrounded by coughing and runny noses. Part of the job. By around 11am I was summoned to the office to do my fingerprinting. First thing I did was print my name instead of signing it. New card please. Next card the assistant director and I messed up the fingerprints. New card please. The third time was a charm. Next I was sent to liguidate my assets into a cup for the purpose of drug screening. Wow! I have never had a drug test before. The lab was strict about the whole process. They make the toilet water blue so one does not try to "water down" the specimen. You are not allowed to wash your hands or flush until the lab tech comes in, to prevent tampering. That was quite an experience. By the time I was done at the lab it was 12:30. On the phone Skip said you better eat something on the way back to work. Good thing. I didn't get my lunch break until 2:00pm. Then at 3:00pm they wanted to give me my afternoon break. I opted to wait until 4 for my afternoon break. At 4:33 I clocked out. Today was my first experience with a time clock too. It is a good thing, just different.
So, there were good differences and different differences. i.e. I am not sure yet if I like some of the differences. There will be adjustments for me. Good things, I can talk about the Lord all I want. The children are well behaved. There is discipline at this school. Some differences from what I am used to, the classrooms are small, sparcely equiped and the ratios are larger. I can adjust to that. The classroom is teacher directed. I can adjust to that too. there is no place for the staff to go and even eat lunch. No break room. That is very different. I was spoiled in my last childcare job.
So, I survived the day and even had enough energy to go for a walk and walk the dogs. I should go do my Bible Study, but I am tired. I think I will go and veg. Good night.
BTW-Joy and Tony did well too. Tony didn't sleep much because in the morning because another new little girl screamed all morning. He did better in the afternoon after mommy visited him for her lunch time. She held him and he fell asleep in one minute. There were periods where he played and observed. Overall he did great. Joy said she did ok too. She called us on the way home. So Grandma, Joy and Tony all went to school today and survived it. :-)
There Annie, does that do it?