Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lots Done

Due to the strength that Jesus gives, we have accomplished much the first three days of this week. We had our appointment for our passports on Tuesday. We made a trip to Costco and stocked the pantry and freezer, in between answering business calls and making business calls. We finished the stack of paperwork necessary to apply for two contractor's licenses and had one meeting regarding that. The final meeting is today. Oh, and did I mention we both worked as well. It is only Thursday morning. I am moving slowly today. I am thanking the Lord for a slower day. :-)
Jennifer is feeling better, although she is still sore.
Joy and the baby are doing well. He is growing at the appropriate rate and so is she. :-)
Have a great day!

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

Isn't it nice to get lots done?