Sunday, April 26, 2009


Today we went to church in the local village. It is one of the churchs that Eric started. They meet in a house purchased for $2,000.00. The attendance was lower today due to a holiday. Eric preached in English and Keith, another missionary, translated into Romanian. Keith and his wife Marla have 5 children. The children were excited to speak to someone in English. So, while there was singing for a 1/2 hour I took their 3 youngest children, ages 8, 6, and 4 out for an impromtu Sunday School lesson in English. We all had fun. We sang in English too. They were sweet kids and it was a blessing to be with them. Then we joined the adults for the preaching. It was nice. We had a good service. One of their boys picked a flower and gave it to me after church. I think I want to bring him home. :-)
This afternoon Edward, the camp director is going to give Skip and I on a tour. We are looking forward to that. Edward and his wife have a 4 year old daughter and are expecting another child in just over a month. They are sweet servants of the Lord.


Adam and Laura said...

We loved hearing someone preach in German. It is amazing to me how much of a "church experience" has nothing to do with understanding the words. To watch people worship in their own language is very moving.
May God continue to provide you with health and rest in Moldova. Would love to see pictures of your experiences on the blog!

Sheryl said...

It was neat hearing Romanian too. It is awesome to hear people worship in another tongue.
I will try to post some pictures. It is hard while here because we are sharing one computer and they have camp business to do on it. It may need to wait until we return to the states.
Thanks for the comment.

joyfully2b4u said...

I agree about the whole "church experience" thing! I've experienced it in Chinese and in Spanish. There really is something that extends across the boundaries between Christians!