Friday, April 17, 2009

The Doctor said I can go to Moldova!

I saw the dr. this afternoon. As I expected, he said I could go, as long as I am still improving. I am stocked up on medications and will be carrying two different antibiotics with me, just in case. I think we have all the bases covered. Now, if you all will pray that I can continue to get healthy and STAY healthy, that would be appreciated.

Jennifer is feeling pretty awful. She had an infected, impacted wisdom tooth pulled yesterday. Her face is very swollen on the one side. Poor thing. At least it got taken care of before we leave for Moldova. She is on pain medication and antibiotics. Thank the Lord her insurance is very good.

I can hardly believe that we have just 4 days until we leave for Moldova. My to do list is long and filled with a variety of activities this weekend. Each day I get more done and feel good and then think how much more needs to be done. I should be staying home with my nose to the grindstone, but there are things that need to be done outside the home too, including shopping for food for Jenn, picking up a couple of other items, etc. Plus laundry and packing. We began the packing list two weeks ago, so that helps. The next few days will be busy, but exciting too. This morning I did quite a bit before I went to work. My mind is on our trip. I got to work and had forgotten my water and my protein bar. Then I was on the playground for 15 minutes and realized I forgot to clock in. Oh dear! I think I am ready to take this trip. I remembered the important things for the kids though. Today we set off our volcano that we have worked on all week. So, I remembered the baking soda and vinegar. Those were the important items of the day. My loving husband brought my water and protein bar. The office manager signed me in manually. I was kind of a wreck when I started out, but the Lord covered my bases for me. I saw the dr. after work and went to Walmart, plus did a ton of paperwork at home and set up all the bills to be paid while we are gone. Quite a productive day. I think I shall shower and go to bed. Tomorrow is another full day. Goodnight!


Kathy Hall said...

What a wonderful experience I am sure you are going to have. I'm looking forward to the pictures. I'm sure glad you are feeling better!

Love from Kathy

God's Girl said...

So good to see you today! God has some great plans for you!

Love you,

Sheryl said...

Thanks Kathy and Julie. Hope those plans don't include bed bugs. :-)
Good seeing you today too.