Saturday, February 7, 2009


Ok, so I started a new job and worked three days. On the third day I was feeling awful in the afternoon and knew I was getting sick. I thought I might have a fever. At the end of the day I drug myself home and took my temp. It was 101. I crawled right into bed. I missed Thurs at work and my temp was down in the morning but went to 101 again Thurs night. I missed Friday at work. Went to the dr. for note to return on Monday. The dr. said, virus, but gave me a prescription for antibiotics in case I develop bronchitis. She kept saying "are you sure you want to go back Monday?" I said yes, I need to go back Monday. Today I did paperwork and two errands. By 1:30 I was pooped. So I read and rested and have done little else today. Tomorrow I plan to do the same and then arrive at work at 8am on Monday. Jennifer was sick all week too. Tis the season for flu's and cold's.

Skip leaves tomorrow for LA to do a bathroom remodel for family friends of ours. He will be gone a week or longer. We are not looking forward to being apart, but it needs to be done. God will take care of us as we are separated this week. We thank Him for His provision for work for both of us. He has not failed to take care of our needs and we are very thankful for His provision. I complained to Skip today that I lost a couple of hundred dollars by being sick and having to see the dr. for a note to return to work. His response was, "you earned wages for three days of work, you need to think of it that way." Thank you Lord for three days of wages. :-)

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

Awe... I am so sorry Sheryl! What crazy timing. Huh? This sick thing that is going around is a one that knocks ya out. I'm still sick (and very tired of being out of commision).

I pray that the Lord heals your body quickly!

Love you friend.