Sunday, April 5, 2009

16 Days until we leave for Moldova

Wow, Moldova is coming up fast. When I look back over the past 16 months I am amazed that it is almost here. We are amazed. Today, Skip and I sat down and started preparing the list of things we need to take. We need to check on the laundry facilities to figure out how much to take. Don't want to go over that 50lb. limit. I still cannot believe we are actually going. It will be soon. I also made a list of things that need to get done before we go. I am not feeling stressed about preparing. The stress I feel is over the financial issues. Making sure there is money available to pay the bills while we are gone. Setting up the bills on line to be paid while we are gone, etc. When we started praying about going to Moldova, 16 months ago, we had a nice sum in savings. Being gone 3.5 weeks was no big deal at that point. But, with the economy, Skip's business being slow, etc. the nice sum is a small sum. The Lord knows that too. From the world's point of view, for us to go may look foolish. But from God's point of view it is not foolish. God has provided the money for us to go and serve Him. We will go and serve Him in a foreign country and He will provide what we need to pay our bills at home. Satan has challenged us and attacked us. We will be obedient, and go, and trust the Lord for the outcome. It is very possible that when we get back Skip will need to get a part time job in addition to doing the business. Things are just too slow. We are trusting the Lord for that too. This past Monday we each got shots to prepare for Moldova. Skip got 3 and I got 4. We figure it is wise to protect ourselves from diseases that are preventable. So, not long from now we will be leaving the country for the first time in our lives. We are looking forward to serving the Lord and to the adventure.

1 comment:

Elissa Hill said...

I'm excited for you guys, and I will be praying for safe travels. Keep us posted on all the neat things that happen there.